Sunday, June 20, 2010

How do I get rid of the annoying bend in my hair???

I have slightly wavy, layered shoulder length hair. But on my left side, theres this unnatural bend in my hair, which looks really weird cos its flat on top, curved in the middle then staight again at the ends. I've tried everything, blow-drying, air-drying, combing/brushing, cutting, straightening... but they dont work so I result to tying it into a boring old ponytail almost everyday.

Is it the ponytail that makes the bend? I can't help it, I have to tie it for school. So now when I leave it down, my hair looks smooth and nice on the right side and as if I have a huge ear underneath it on the left side. Pls help!

How do I get rid of the annoying bend in my hair???

the best advice i can give it to stop wearing it in a ponytail for a while- i have something similar, but it just dries that way- i have this little piece of hair on my right side that curls up- lol annnooooyyyiiinnggg!!!

How do I get rid of the annoying bend in my hair???

yup the pony makes the bend....try this...the next time u was ur hair wash it at night dry it with a blow dryer and then sleep on it...... it should work or if it doesnt the njust let it grow out some more and then blowdry it with a circular comb :]

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