Sunday, November 22, 2009

How can i make my hair more volumized??

i have recently just got lots of layers in my hair, i dont want it to be flat but i dont want to just make the top volumized and the bottom just straight, then it looks like i have a mullet, i do not want that, and if i back comb it all it looks like a have an afro, and non of the volume stays anyways!! Help Me Please!!!

How can i make my hair more volumized??

blow dry your hair upside down

How can i make my hair more volumized??

Try these things:

1. Volumizing shampoo and conditioner

2. When you get out of the shower brush it, and shake the wetness out of it.

3. When you blowdry, bend over upside down.

4. If it's puffy after this, slightly straighten the different layers, but don't leave the straightener on one section for too long. just run it through.

How can i make my hair more volumized??

root lifter before you blowdry

How can i make my hair more volumized??

well i use big and sexy hair products...i have thin short hair and i love it....its makes me look like i have thicker high and it dont weigh down your hair can usually get it at hair salons, and sometimes if your target sells products like that you can....BIG AND SEXY...get the shampoo, sonditioner, and the blow dry gel...and it works i gararente

How can i make my hair more volumized??

yeh the blow drying works too, i have straight flat hair but like sometimes when i want it to be big i use the Dove hair volumizer shampoo, it actually really helps. or i guess any volumizer shampoo would work, when you're washing your hair just leave the shampoo in your hair for about 5 minutes then rinse it off, then after i shower i pat my hair with a towel then blow dry it upside down. when your hair is dry it should look bigger than usual. it works for me, you should try. =)

How can i make my hair more volumized??

I have this problem too I got layers to try to make my hair look fuller but it didnt help much and if i back comb it too much it looks like a rat nest.

What I do is focus on the roots teasing it very lightly and adding a light...i mean really light amount of hair spray.If you just tease it a little it gives you an effect of more volume without the knoted look.if you make it too poofy for your taste you can always lightly comb the top layer also theres always clip in extentions if all else fails

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