Sunday, November 29, 2009

Unique Style?

I'm a guy...

I want my own unique style, that is a sorta punkish emoish style. I wear mostly dark jeans, not tight but not too loose (from American Eagle) with white, black, and grey shirts (mostly from a variety of stores). My favorite shirt is a dark grey one with a black eagle on it and some other stuff.

I need help with a cool hair style to fit it, without getting it too radical (I'm only 13). Currently, i have thick hair that just barely covers my ears. It is dirty blond colored, and I don't want to dye it because my parents wouldn't let me. Suggestions would be nice.

Currently, I've been experimenting on weekends with putting some gel in my hair, combing my left side of my hair over my left eye (but it doesn't cover my eye) and the other side is loosely combed forward. However, it doesn't stay in place all day, just for a few hours, but if I put too much gel, it gets all hard and when it eventually goes away, my hair looks all greasy. Suggestions?

Unique Style?

You can try using styling wax, you can find a huge variety in stores to cover any need. use it as the suggest and then mix your hair the same way you'd do when coming out of the shower or the sea. It would come out with a result of messy tornado blown hair that could be adjusted to your needs. The good thing is that you can have it simple when leaving home and with a touch give it the look you want and then before going back home finger comb them backwards to be as your parent want you to.

You can add pins and a nice punkish belt to your outfit, so that it has a more personal style but not too extreme due to your age. Have fun, hope i helped

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