Saturday, November 28, 2009

Your opinions on what happened?

ok, this morning I woke up and took a shower. I use Ivory Bar Soap when I shower.

After that, I got dressed, brushed my teeth, hair dried by hair, combed it, etc and went downstairs as fast as I could. Me and my father had to drop off my mother and sister at my uncle's house.

When everyone got in the car, my sister made a comment. My sister told me that I smell like a drunk pine tree.

Why do you think she said that? Is it the soap I used? Is it the deodorant I used? Has this ever happened to you? How can I stink minutes after taking a shower?

I use Ivory Bar Soap. I use Speed Stick (Regular) deodorant. I wasn't wear a cologne or aftershave.

Are they a bad combination ? Has this happened to anyone?

Your opinions on what happened?

Drunk pine tree? LOL!

Just kidding...maybe you should try a stronger deodorant or it could be your clothes. Make sure your clothes smell good also, and clean your wash cloth or whatever you wash up with regularly or switch it every couple days. But if this has only happened once, maybe it was something in the car that stunk and not you. Serisouly, I'm not really sure but it's never happened to me.

Your opinions on what happened?

maybe she's just jealous she didnt smell as good lol jk......maybe she doesnt like that kind of scents and thinks hers smell you didnt stink

Your opinions on what happened?

Hey! That was your sister talking閳ユ攺uff said..

Your opinions on what happened?

Dr B said it best

Your opinions on what happened?

i dont think so, has anyone else commented on this? if not, thenits just yout sister being immature.

Your opinions on what happened?

how old is your sister??? if she's like three, you know, her comment didnt' even matter. if not, have you smelled yourself??? so you smell bad? i know sometimes you need an outside perspective, but you WILL know if you are smelling. i have never heard that phrase before, so if someone said that to me, i wouldn't freak out, i don't think you should either. from the sound of it, you are a clean guy, and i don't know for sure, but i really don't think you stink.

Your opinions on what happened?

Mens deodorant tend to be really strong when they are first applied. I'm guessing that was the smell that offended considering Ivory soap is not a very powerful smell. My husband and I can spend over an hour in the deodorant aisle if he decides to change his deodorant. I am allergic to alot of perfumes (they can affect my breathing or lead to skin rashes) and then there are the ones that just plain stink. So yeah I have had a chance to smell most male deodorants and can tell you first hand they can get mighty smelling and overpowering.

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